Britain Should Bring Back Imperial Measurements

S. Mitchell
2 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Gabriel Mihalcea on Upsplash

The government is consulting about making imperial measurements more prominent. It’s a waste of money. The answer is obvious.

Ditch the metric system. Bring back imperial measurements.

I want to see everything in the supermarket labelled in pounds, ounces and pints, not grams, litres and kilograms. If it was good enough for my grandparents, it’s good enough for me.

The metric system makes things too easy: ten millimetres in a centimetre, one hundred centimetres in a metre, a thousand metres in a kilometre. Any idiot can work in multiples of ten.

No. Much better is twelve inches in a foot, three feet in a yard, 1760 yards in a mile. None of the namby-pamby moving a decimal point around.

Did you know students are using the metric system every day in schools? Do you realise how much simpler that makes their lives? In my day we did pounds per square inch and feet per second, not kilograms per metre and metres per second. When I wanted to change a measurement from inches to miles it took ages, not a few seconds.

When they study physics they use SI units instead of imperial. That’s wrong. It has to be stopped. The SI system is the most widely used in the world. Most countries utilise it. We should do something different, unique, something that sets us apart from the rest of the globe, shows how superior we are.

Don’t get me started on measures of temperature. Water freezes at 32 and boils at 212, not 0 and 100.

What’s wrong with using fluid ounces, gallons, cubic feet and cubic yards? Don’t say it’s difficult to convert one to the other because that’s the point. It’s easy to remember a litre of water weighs a kilogram. We don’t want easy. We should memorise that a gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds.

It’s time we went back to this nation’s golden age. Bring back shillings and guineas, stuffing kids up chimneys and servants for the rich, transporting criminals and colonisation, public floggings and hangings.

We can be a great empire again. We’ve made a start by getting out of Europe so politicians who don’t even speak English aren’t making our laws. It’s time we scrapped the metric system and returned to the good old days.



S. Mitchell

I’m a Dementia Adviser who loves writing and taught English for over 30 years.